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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Tips About Brest Cancer

Tips About Brest Cancer

Myth: Breast cancer is a death sentence.

Truth: If detected and treated early enough, breast cancer need not result in death. Early detection can help save lives and breasts.

Myth: Breast cancer is contagious.

Truth: You cannot be infected with breast cancer through physical contact (touching, drinking out of the same cup, sharing food, or having sex).

Myth: If I have bigger breasts, I have a higher chance of getting breast cancer.

Truth: This has not been proven by research. Someone who is well-endowed has an equal chance of getting breast cancer as one who has smaller breasts. Being overweight, however, does increase your risk.

Myth: Deodorants, anti-perspirants or wearing bras cause cancer.

Truth: To date, there is no scientific data to support these claims.

Myth: All breast lumps are cancerous.

Truth: Nine out of 10 breast lumps are not cancer. Besides, a persistent lump or thickening in the breast or armpit area, other signs of breast cancer include:

* A change in the size or shape of the breast
* Changes in the colour or skin of the breast, areola or nipple (e.g. dimpling, puckering or scaling)
* Blood or discharge from the nipple
* A newly retracted (pulled in) nipple

Myth: An injury to the breast can cause cancer.

Truth: A bruise or hit to the breast won’t cause cancer. If cancer develops in a spot that has been injured, it is just a coincidence.

Myth: As long as I have had a mammogram that did not show any abnormalities, I am safe from breast cancer.

Truth: Cancer can occur at any time. That’s why it is recommended that women screen themselves as follows:

Read More... Tips About Brest Cancer

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